Annual Report 2015-16
Anglicare NT's Annual Report 2015-16 was launched on the 2nd of December. The event also marked the official opening of the new Head Office at 60 Winnellie Rd, Winnellie. This…
White Ribbon Day
Anglicare NT staff know that addressing family and domestic violence is critical not only to our commitment to NT communities but is important in our own homes. Recently, Anglicare NT's CEO…
Individual Placement and Support Trial at headspace Darwin
headspace Darwin is excited to announce it has been selected as one of 14 headspace centres nationally to participate in an Individual Placement Support (IPS) trial through the Department of…
TESIAT Receives Recognition
At the recent LivingWorks Australia Conference in Canberra, Anglicare NT was awarded two certificates of appreciation. The first certificate is made out to Anglicare NT, for offering ASIST and safeTALK…
A good start in life is the best path out of poverty
The launch of the ACOSS report “Poverty in Australia 2016” on October 16th showed the shocking statistic that the number of children living in poverty has increased in the last…
National Children’s Week
Anglicare NT offers a wide range of programs which aim to strengthen families and support young people, families and communities across the NT. Services range from remote community playgroups to…
New Reconciliation Action Plan Launched
On Friday 7 October the Anglicare NT Stretch Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) was launched in Alice Springs by the Chair of the Board, Mr Richard Giles. This new Stretch RAP, Anglicare NT's…
Making Anti-Poverty a Priority
Anti-Poverty Week, held from 16-22 October, aims to strengthen public awareness and understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty in Australia and internationally. Poverty and severe hardship affect more…
Mental Health Week 2016
Mental Health Week raises community awareness about mental health issues and is held every October each year to coincide with World Mental Health Day on 10 October. To support those…
headspace Day – Because every young person should have access to mental health services
headspace day is being celebrated for the first time today, right around Australia. headspace day is about ensuring young people across the country have access to youth friendly, mental health services, no…
Our New Headquarters
Anglicare NT’s head office in the Northern Territory has relocated to 60 Winnellie Rd, Winnellie. The new office accommodates the Executive Management team, Corporate Services, Communities for Children East Arnhem,…
World Suicide Prevention Day, 10 September
In Australia, suicide is the leading cause of death for males and females aged between 15 and 44. For every suicide, there are traumatic impacts on friends, families, colleagues and…
National Child Protection Week
Each year, NAPCAN coordinates National Child Protection Week across Australia starting on Father's Day. The 2016 campaign is 'Stronger Communities, Safer Children,' which means children need an entire community to…
ACCC Investigation Reveals Consumer Law Breach
Online food retailer EasyMeals by Flavour Makers Pty Ltd (EasyMeals) has provided a court enforceable undertaking to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission in relation to its conduct in the…
Doctors Orchestra Supplies the Remedy
Over 600 people turned out to witness the largest orchestra ever to play in Darwin. The Australian Doctors Orchestra (ADO), made up of over 100 musicians, performed Music from Moscow…
headspace Celebration
headspace Darwin celebrated the official opening of their new centre at Casuarina and headspace National's 10th birthday. headspace Darwin was opened in 2007 with Anglicare NT as the lead Agency. …
Music from Moscow
The Australian Doctors Orchestra (ADO) will perform Music from Moscow at the Darwin Convention Centre on 19th June 2016, with all concert proceeds going to Anglicare NT. The ADO is…
New Strategic Plan Launched
On Friday May 27th the Chair of Anglicare NT, Mr Richard Giles, launched the agency's three year strategic plan. CEO Dave Pugh also spoke at the launch about the focus of…
Getting a Job, Getting a Home
Getting a job is one of the key ways to break the cycle of homelessness. Anglicare NT’s housing programs support clients to address issues linked to homelessness such as health…
Cultural Story Time
Anglicare NT’s HIPPY program in Katherine, together with Mimi Aboriginal Arts and Crafts, invites parents and their preschool children to attend weekly Cultural Story Time. Cultural Story Time will provide…
Lives Enriched by Volunteers
National Volunteers Week is celebrated from 9-15 May. Volunteers play a vital role in the delivery of several Anglicare NT programs. A friendly smile, a chat about the weather and…
Rental Affordability Snapshot
“Pay rent or eat – this is the stark choice facing many people who live in the Northern Territory”, said Anglicare NT CEO, Dave Pugh. “The national Anglicare Australia Rental…
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
Today is Youth Homelessness Matters Day, a national campaign which aims to raise public awareness about youth homelessness and celebrate the resilience of young people who are at risk of…
Couch Surfing for Youth Homelessness
Over twenty teams are registered for this years Couch Surfing Races, an annual event organised by Anglicare NT to raise awareness for Youth Homelessness Matters Day. “Anglicare NT are organising…
New Financial Counselling Hub in East Arnhem
Anglicare NT has been chosen as the successful provider to deliver a Financial Counselling, Capability and Resilience Hub in Nhulunbuy and the East Arnhem region. The announcement was made by…
Suicide Prevention Training
The TESIAT program provides and coordinates suicide intervention and awareness training across the Top End of the Northern Territory. The program offers both the skills based 2-day Living Works Applied…
HIPPY Expands in NT
A successful early learning program will expand its coverage in the NT this year due to funding commitments from the Australian Government Department of Social Services. The Home Interaction Program…
Reconciliation Action Plan Achievements and Renewal
During Reconciliation Week in May 2014 Anglicare NT launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The document was the result of more than two years of consultation and consideration by staff, Anglicare NT Board and…
2014-15 Annual Report Released
Anglicare NT launched its 2014-15 Annual Report at a public meeting on Friday 4 December 2015. The Annual Report features case studies of some of Anglicare NT’s 85 different programs…
Reel Women Support Real Women
The 14th Annual Barramundi Volkswagen Reel Women Barra Classic, held earlier this year at Dundee Beach, raised funds for Anglicare NT’s Pandanus Program. On Thursday 12 November at Barramundi Volkswagen, a…
Our Kids Safe and Strong Code of Ethics
In recognition of Anglicare NT’s commitment to providing a Child Safe Workplace, CEO Dave Pugh used Children’s Week 2015 as an opportunity to sign the Our Kids Safe and Strong…
Anti-Poverty Week
Anti-Poverty Week aims to strengthen public awareness and understanding of the causes and consequences of poverty in Australia and internationally. Poverty and severe hardship affect more than a million Australians…
Strong Girls, Strong Women Group
Anglicare NT's East Arnhem Youth Services Strong Girls, Strong Women initiative for young women disengaged from regular schooling was launched on Tuesday 11th August. The program aims to strengthen cultural connectivity, self-identity…
10 September 2015 is World Suicide Prevention Day and R U OK? Day. The international theme of World Suicide Prevention Day this year is ‘Preventing Suicide: Reaching Out and Saving…
Chief Minister announces funding for Pandanus Program
The Hon Adam Giles, Chief Minister announced new funding for the Pandanus Program for the next twelve months this morning at an event hosted at the Barbara James House. At…
More Than A Housing Program
Providing shelter is one solution in reducing homelessness. However, homelessness is generally symptomatic of a range of other issues, which if not addressed, could cause homelessness to become episodic. Whilst…
headspace visits Borroloola
headspace Darwin welcomed the recent opportunity to visit Borroloola and MacArthur River Mine (MRM) to provide community awareness and mental health focused information and activities. Headspace Darwin participated in the…
Access All Arts – Community Art Event
Anglicare NT’s Disability Community Access Service (DCAS) hosted ‘Access all Arts- Creating Communities’ on Tuesday 28 July 2015. The art event was well attended by clients, community members and Anglicare NT…
The Big Bike Ride Fundraiser to support headspace Darwin
The Big Bike Ride fundraiser is a annual tradition for O’Loughlin Catholic College. This year three year 12 O'Loughlin College students are organising The Big Bike Ride. The event is a…
Anglicare NT proud to support NAIDOC week
NAIDOC Week celebrations were held across Australia over last week to celebrate the history, culture and achievements of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. This year Anglicare NT staff hosted an event at…
Anglicare NT Ltd – a new legal structure is born
The Chair of the Board of Anglicare NT, Mr Richard Giles announced recently that Anglicare NT will renew its governance arrangements to bring Anglicare NT in line with modern community…
Remote Playgroup Training
Anglicare NT Remote Playgroup and Family Skills staff from the East Arnhem communities of Milingimbi (and Langarra Homeland), Numbulwar and Ngukurr attended training in Darwin recently. Training participants were presented…
Anglicare NT supports Reconciliation Week
National Reconciliation Week is celebrated across Australia each year between 27 May and 3 June. It is about building relationships between the wider Australian community and Aboriginal and Torres Strait…
Thanks to Anglicare Volunteers
National Volunteer Week provided an opportunity for Anglicare NT to celebrate the ongoing commitment and effort of our volunteers. Community Visitor Scheme volunteers in Darwin were treated to a sunset…
Reel Women supports real women
This year, the 14th Annual Reel Women Barra Classic – a women’s fishing tournament held in Darwin every year – will be kindly donating its proceeds to the Anglicare NT…
Anglicare NT Board meet in Katherine
This morning, the Anglicare NT Board continued its commitment to the regions by taking a road trip to hold a Board Meeting in Katherine for the first time. Board Chair,…
National Volunteer Week kicks off early at ReStore
Thank You Anglicare Volunteers National Volunteer Week is celebrated across Australia from 11-17 May. Anglicare NT thanks our numerous volunteers for the time and energy they contribute throughout the year.…
Youth Homelessness Matters Day
National Youth Homelessness Matters Day is an annual day which seeks to highlight the issue of youth homelessness in Australia. Started by a group of social advocates who believed that…
Communities for Children – Seeking Expressions of Interest
The Australian Government Department of Social Services has funded Anglicare NT as the Communities for Children Facilitating Partner (CfCFP) for Alice Springs and East Arnhem. CfCFP is seeking Expressions of…
It’s Time to End Youth Homelessness
National Youth Homelessness Matters Day is an annual day which seeks to highlight the issue of youth homelessness in Australia. Started by a group of social advocates who believed that…
Communities for Children Alice Springs Seeking Expressions of Interest
The Australian Government Department of Social Services has funded Anglicare NT as the Communities for Children Facilitating Partner (CfCFP) for Alice Springs. CfCFP is seeking Expressions of Interest from organisations…
The Play and Learn Support Resource
A story from this year's annual report... The Play and Learn Support (PALS) Resource was conceived as a vehicle for fostering conversations about child development pathways. Anglicare NT Remote Playgroups…
Yes to IYSS
A story from this year's annual report... Adding to Anglicare NT’s portfolio of youth services in Alice Springs, Katherine and Darwin, the Intensive Youth Support Service (IYSS) was launched at…
Quality Improvement & the Accreditation Journey
A story from this year's annual report... September 2013 saw Anglicare NT embark on a journey towards developing a quality improvement culture with the recruitment of Quality Manager Bronwyn Phillips.…
hYEPP is on its way
A story from this year's annual report... Anglicare NT is soon to be branching out in a new direction with the launch of the first headspace Youth Early Psychosis Program…
The Reconciliation Action Plan
A story from this year’s annual report... Anglicare NT was incredibly proud to launch its Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) on May 28, 2014. A RAP is a strategy to create…
Garraworra: A service success story
A story from this year's annual report... The Garraworra Supported Housing Program in Berrimah, Darwin, has showed itself to be a vital support to its clients and a real credit…
Our latest annual report
The 2013-14 Anglicare NT annual report is now available on our website in PDF format. This year's annual report features longer stories that aim to give a in-depth picture of…
Headspace goes hip hop
The headspace team at Anglicare NT has released a video called ‘Got a lot going on’ as part of its Yarn Safe campaign, which aims to educate Aboriginal and Torres…
Suicide Intervention Training
Every week, 50 people die by suicide in Australia. Caregivers of those at risk need to be able to spot the warning signs, and know how to reach out to…
New Website!
We are extremely excited to present our new website, designed and built by Out of the Square Media. We hope it will increase accessibility to our ever growing range of…