Mrs MunLi Chee

Position: Director
MunLi is the Director/Partner of Merit Partners Chartered Accountants in Darwin. She has over 20 years’ experience performing statutory and non-statutory financial statements audits for public companies, government departments, local governments, aboriginal corporations, private companies and incorporated associations across various industries. She has degrees in accountancy and applied psychology, and received a young manager of the year award from the Australian Institute of Management in 2008.
She commenced her auditing career in KPMG Singapore where she specialised in the audits of government organisations/entities, financial institutions, healthcare entities, and hospitality companies. She joined KPMG Darwin in 2002 whereby she was also involved in undertaking investigations, internal audits, probity audits, provision of financial accounting and management advice, corporate governance advice, and financial statement preparation and assistance.
MunLi joined Merit Partners in 2015 as a director/partner. She is an authorised audit partner for the Northern Territory Auditor-General and has conducted audits, reviews and consulting assignments within most NT Government Departments over the years.