Stronger Homes
Stronger Homes helps people with tenancy sustainability, builds independent living skills and provides support and transitional accommodation.
Tenancy Sustainability and Support – We provide practical support and case management assistance to individuals and families living in public or private rental housing to help sustain tenancies. Information, referrals and assistance is also provided to assist people who are homeless connect to services, access crisis accommodation and secure long term housing (available in Darwin, Palmerston and Katherine).
Moving Forward Life Skills Course – We deliver short courses to help build independent living and tenancy management skills. The course is friendly, fun and interactive. Topics include for example Money Management, Sustaining Your Tenancy, Education & Employment Pathways, Healthy Lifestyles and Family Relationships & Parenting Skills (available in Darwin, Palmerston and Katherine).
Transitional Accommodation – In Palmerston we provide houses for families experiencing homelessness, up to a period of 12 months. Families are assisted to work through challenges, connect with supports and get on their feet. Residents participate in sessions to build skills and explore options to find safe and affordable longer term housing and access education and employment pathways.
*Due to a limited supply of properties, a waitlist usually applies.