East Arnhem Communities for Children (C4C) and Remote Playgroups Initiatives
The East Arnhem Communities for Children (EA C4C) initiative works with Community Partners and stakeholders to support activities which meet local needs and reflect the aspirations of communities within the region. EA C4C encourages cross sector collaboration, partnerships and the development of language based resources, alongside two-way learning in the areas of early childhood, children’s services and family support.
This initiative is guided by the East Arnhem Communities for Children Committee, a group of community leaders with a passion for improving outcomes for families and their children.
East Arnhem Communities for Children is funded by the Australian Government Department of Social Services.
Community Partners
East Arnhem Regional Council
Growing Up Strong Kids (GUSK) focuses on improving individual, family and community nutrition and supports child development activities in Gapuwiyak community.
Bush Fit Mob deliver nutrition and wellbeing programs for children and families across the Groote Eylandt Archipelago. The focus is on making healthy simple meals, cooking on country, nutrition and accessing healthy foods. Learning is fun and engaging to maximise community and family participation.
The Family Skills Facilitator Service uses strengths based, culturally adapted case management and group work to support families who need extra assistance across the Groote Eylandt Archipelago.
Numbulwar School Council Incorporated & Victoria University Consortium
Story Writing in Remote Locations (SWiRL) is offered to pre-service teachers in remote communities. Teachers engage children in literacy, language and cultural activities. Children are supported to write their own stories and have their voices heard. Activities are conducted ‘On Country’ with children, families, Elders and community members.
Remote Playgroups
The Numbulwar Saltwater Playgroup, based at the community school and Ngukurr Freshwater Playgroup, based at the Guluman Child and Family Centre, are staffed by dedicated Aboriginal
Playgroup Workers.
These remote community playgroups engage parents/carers and their children in regular, culturally meaningful play based development activities. Playgroups build confidence, connections and support systems.
Funded by the National Indigenous Australians Agency.
EA C4C Resource Unit
Play and Learn Support (PALS) Resource
The Play and Learn Support (PALS) Resource is a tool for facilitating conversations about effective parenting. The PALS activity uses a bi-cultural approach to promote understanding and exploration of child development milestones, neural pathways and effective parenting practices. PALS also supports a small-scale playgroup in Yurrwi (Milingimbi).
Family Skills Facilitator Service
The Family Skills Facilitator Service uses strengths-based, culturally adapted case management and group work to support families who need extra assistance on the Gove Peninsula.
We Grow Them Up
This unique Learning Forum celebrates, showcases and promotes culturally meaningful, place based and regional initiatives. Early childhood children’s services, family support workers, community leaders and stakeholders share learnings, develop networks and promote child friendly communities.
The forum provides opportunities for extensive community consultations about local needs and how to best provide support to families in each community within the region.