Care Finder
Care Finder supports older people over 65 years of age, or over 50 years if Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander, who:
- have no carer or support person who can help them, or
- do not have a carer or support person they feel comfortable or trust to support them, and
- are eligible for government-funded aged care
Care Finder helps older people to learn about, apply for and set up support services. Anglicare NT provides this free service in Darwin, Palmerston and the rural area, Katherine and Alice Springs.
If you require more information or are unsure if a referral is appropriate for our service, please contact the Care Finder team on (08) 8985 0000.
To make a referral, please download and complete our Care Finder Referral Form. Return the completed form via email to:
Darwin, Palmerston and Rural: dwncarefinderintake@anglicare-nt.org,au
Katherine: kthcarefinderintake@anglicare-nt.org.au
Alice Springs: aspcarefinderintake@anglicare-nt.org.au
If you are having trouble opening the form, you may not have Adobe Reader. Alternatively, you can print and complete a hard copy and scan and email to one of the above email addresses.
Care Finder information in language
Care Finder brochures are available in Filipino, Indonesian, Nepalese, Swahili, Thai and Vietnamese. Please contact us if you would like one.
Spoken information is available at the below links:
Care Finder information in Kriol
Care Finder information in Warlpiri
We thank the NT PHN for their assistance in funding this translation project.