Join headspace in our push for better mental health this June

You can join headspace Darwin, Palmerston and Katherine this June to push for better mental health by participating in Australia’s largest mental health and fitness event, The Push-Up Challenge.

From 5 to 28 June, participants of all ages and abilities are invited to do push-ups while learning about mental health. Participants will take on 3,249 push-ups across 24 days in June, putting the spotlight on the tragic number of lives lost to suicide in Australia in 2022.

The Push-Up Challenge is a great opportunity for Australians to talk about their mental health, learn how to best support each other and recognise when they might need to put their own hand up for help. The Push-Up Challenge is going to be a lot of fun and we’re looking forward to connecting with our local community throughout June,” said Anglicare NT Director of Mental Health Nicole Goulter.

Anglicare NT operates headspace centres in Darwin, Palmerston and Katherine and is proud to be trusted by young people and their families across these regions. Last year we supported over 2,000 young Territorians with mental health/social and emotional wellbeing issues, work and study, alcohol and other drug help, physical health and early psychosis challenges.

We encourage people of all ages, local businesses, gyms, clubs and schools in the area to join us for the challenge. Funds raised will directly support young people and their families who visit headspace Darwin, Palmerston or Katherine.

Sign up at and select headspace Darwin, headspace Palmerston or headspace Katherine and start fundraising. Help us to support our young people!

headspace Push-Up Challenge 2024