Farewell Bishop Clyde Wood AM

Anglicare NT staff met in Darwin this week to farewell Bishop Clyde Wood AM. Bishop Clyde has been Anglicare NT’s Staff Chaplain in Darwin for the past six years. His weekly visits, professional and personal support and guidance will be dearly missed by all Anglicare NT staff. Bishop Clyde and his wife Margaret are leaving the Northern Territory after many eventful and rewarding years here.

Bishop Clyde first came to the NT in 1974 as Dean of the Cathedral in Smith St.  Within months, Cyclone Tracy had severely damaged the building and Clyde hired architects to design a radically different kind of building. In 1983 he was appointed Bishop of the NT and in the following years did much to support the development of the new Anglicare NT agency.  All these many years later he’s been both an amazing Staff Chaplain and a great champion of the work we do.

Approximately 50 staff attended the farewell morning tea –  speeches were made and gifts given.  In his final speech Bishop Clyde warned against the trend to try to make others like ourselves and stated that what he most admired about Anglicare NT staff was the way they deeply respected the journey and life of the people they work with-  we join them where they’re at, not where we’re at.  This, he said, is the essence of respect.