CEO update – there is much to be hopeful about

As we embark on a new year, I wanted to share my thoughts about the journey of Anglicare NT and my personal goals for 2024.

There are certainly challenges, but I feel motivated by them, and are excited about the opportunities in front of us this year.

Renewed focus after referendum

The referendum result was disappointing and such a lost opportunity, we acknowledge the hurt and disconnection as a result, but there is such resilience. Our focus is on economic justice projects, building on our growing partnership work with the Aboriginal controlled sector at their leading, and building our cultural competency.

Among our advocacy priority areas, needs based funding is a game changer. Having successfully campaigned for indexation compensation last year we will again join with our sector colleagues to fight for this desperately needed policy change in funding based on need not population.

The pervasive issue of rough sleeping that would improve with better coordination and a health and community response is a priority, along with youth homelessness and mental health, and including cost of living and problem gambling.

Further consultation is needed to ensure we capture key issues across the Territory and I’m keen to deepen our strategies around early intervention and prevention.

Our work is driven by the voices of lived experience

It is vital that our work is driven by the voices of lived experience and that our planning is place based. Anglicare NT divisions and regions are in the process of developing our plans, and this will drive our organisation’s strategy into the future.

We have a highly dedicated and skilled Shared Services Team that are a key part of enabling and delivering our strategy. They have many activities underway to improve our systems and processes to support efficiency and quality improvements.

My personal aspirations

For me this year is all about outcomes, impact and making a difference. We have a great story to tell, a story of resilience and change. We will work together to gather our data and narratives, work out where we can improve, where we can scale up, and where we can fill gaps. Looking forward to it!