Anglicare NT appoints new CEO
The Board of Anglicare NT is pleased to announce the appointment of Craig Kelly as the incoming CEO. Craig will commence on 1 November to replace long-serving CEO David Pugh who will retire at the end of 2022.
Craig Kelly joins Anglicare NT with broad background and experience across the NT and Victoria and a deep understanding of community service delivery. His long-term background in youth services, homelessness work, community development, alongside his deep commitment to Aboriginal self-determination, make him ideal for this role.
Craig Kelly’s most recent role in the NT was as Executive Director for the Department of Chief Minister and Cabinet; regional lead for the $78.5M Barkly Regional Deal and providing a strong coordination role for the NT Government in Tennant Creek and the Barkly Region. Prior to this Craig was the NT Manager for Save the Children and Regional Director for the Salvation Army Northern Victoria.
We look forward to welcoming Craig in early November.