Couch Surfing for Youth Homelessness Matters Day 2024

  • Couch Surfing for Youth Homelessness Matters Day
     10:30 am - 2:00 pm

17 April 2024 | 10.30am to 2pm

On your marks, get set, go!

Anglicare NT and City of Darwin are coordinating the annual Couch Surfing event for Youth Homelessness Matters Day on 17 April 2024. The day brings together young people, school groups and community organisations for couch surfing races, best decorated couch displays and information stalls – all raising awareness of youth homelessness.

All young people need a safe place to call home. Sleeping on the street, in overcrowded conditions or on someone’s couch is not OK!

Together, we can end child and youth homelessness.

For more information phone Phil at Anglicare NT on 8946 4800 or email


17 Harry Chan Ave, Darwin, Northern Territory, 0800, Australia