Happy 5th birthday headspace Katherine!

headspace Katherine is celebrating 5 years of service to young people in the Katherine region on Tuesday 10 September with a community event and art exhibition.

The centre opened its doors on 25 September 2019, providing free and confidential mental health and wellbeing supports to young people. In addition to the youth-friendly hub in Katherine, an outreach team visits communities in the region to provide social and emotional wellbeing supports, community education and group sessions.

Since opening, headspace has delivered more than 3,352 services and helped over 558 young people, with 52% of those identifying as Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander.

headspace Katherine Centre Manager, Natasha Reece said the team are proud to work closely with local Aboriginal organisations, Elders and communities.

“Our team strive to provide culturally responsive and relevant services, taking into account the holistic nature of wellbeing to Aboriginal people and connections with culture, identity, place and spirituality,” said Natasha.

“Through the headspace Katherine Consortium, we have partnered with over 25 organisations to achieve shared goals and advocate for mental health in the region.”

“Our energetic and committed Youth Advisory Group gives young people the opportunity to play an active role in shaping service delivery and support community awareness initiatives.”

headspace National VISIBLE arts engagement project

Artworks created through the VISIBLE arts engagement project will be on display at the headspace birthday celebration and have been printed on t-shirts.

Young people from the local Stars and Clontarf foundations made the artworks during facilitated workshops designed to build trust and relationships, develop strategies for self-care and artistic and technical skills.

The VISIBLE arts engagement project was run by headspace National in partnership with headspace Katherine.

Community event details

headspace Katherine’s 5-year birthday celebration and art exhibition will take place on Tuesday 10 September from 1pm to 3pm at Knotts Crossing Resort, Katherine. Contact Natasha Reece on 08 8912 4000 for more information.