Reconciliation Action Plan Achievements and Renewal

During Reconciliation Week in May 2014 Anglicare NT launched its first Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP). The document was the result of more than two years of consultation and consideration by staff, Anglicare NT Board and other stakeholders.  In December 2015, RAP Implementation Committee members met to evaluate the 2014-15 RAP and develop a process to review and renew the RAP.

The RAP committed Anglicare NT to 26 actions, many of which have been achieved, including:

  • A number of partnerships made with Aboriginal-controlled organisations (Action 1.2)
  • Reconciliation Week and NAIDOC Week are recognised and celebrated annually (Action 1.5)
  • A procedure established for Welcome to Country and Acknowledgement of Country (Action 2.1)
  • Cultural training has been conducted multiple times at all Anglicare NT sites, usually by trainers associated with local traditional owners (Action 2.2)
  • Culturally relevant leave policies are under consideration (Action 2.2)
  • Some programs have developed impressive culturally appropriate resources (Action 2.4)
  • Justice issues affecting Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and services are highlighted in our Advocacy and Influence Strategy (Action 2.5)
  • An Aboriginal Board member has recently been appointed (Action 2.6)
  • An employment target of 27% for Aboriginal and Torres Strait staff was set by the Board (Action 3.2)
  • Anglicare NT joined Supply Nation, to better procure and monitor use of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander services (Action 3.5)
  • Required reports to the Board and Reconciliation Australia have been provided on time (Action 4)

A new RAP is currently being developed and will be included in Anglicare NT’s next Strategic Plan.


Larrakia Cultural Tour

Larrakia Cultural Tour

NAIDOC tour of Central Australian sacred sites

NAIDOC tour of Central Australian sacred sites

Anglicare NT staff member Tricia Mailing compered Reconciliation Week events in Darwin

Anglicare NT staff member Tricia Mailing compered Reconciliation Week events in Darwin